Sunday, November 18, 2012


“I love to go a-wandering,
along the mountain track, 
and as I go, I love to sing,
my knapsack on my back.

“Val-deri, val-dera,
Val-deri, val-dera,
My knapsack on my back.”

I have long loved the word wanderlust. It holds such possibilities where each day holds the gift of something new. 

Wanderlust is waking up to find a new adventure, a new journey for that day, a new sight to see, a new person to meet and a new experience to be enjoyed. When it is at its best, it is a new revelation of God! Wanderlust is proclaiming that I am no longer satisfied with routine; with waking up and going through the same motions.

The word wanderlust has a German origin and literally means “a desire to hike.” We define it in English as a strong desire or impulse to wander or to travel and explore. Fitting for how I have been feeling of late.

It seems an odd statement, but I don’t think I am wired to stay in one place for very long. As I have been thinking and writing lately I have been caught on my desire to get more out of life. My thoughts are constantly drawn to doing and seeing more. I am not wanting my “one of these days” to be spent comfortably right where I am. 

In a sensible world, this is dangerous. It goes against what we were taught. We  were supposed, expected, to grow up, get good jobs and work through to the age of retirement (or beyond). Once we’ve reached that age, and if we’re still able, we could  then chase I dreams. That is how it’s supposed to work. But, that isn’t always the case. Some never get the chance to chase their dream or they simply can’t do it. They spent themselves, spent their lives, working to fulfill someone else’s dreams and no longer have the time or energy for their own. 

To me, that is the real danger; chasing after something that is not our own. We are convinced of what life is supposed to be like and have lost sight of what life could be like.

What life could be like - Gerrie and I had that once. We felt God calling us to the mission field. So we went against the grain and took a chance. It wasn’t always easy. It was difficult, at times, for us and our families. But as I have said before, it was perhaps one of the happiest times of our lives. 

That time, well, it really wasn’t wanderlust was it? It was more like obedience. Yet, it had some of the elements. It gave us a new adventure, a new journey, a new sight, a new person to meet and new experiences. And most importantly, a new revelation of God!

We may never make it back to a time like that. With family and friends, being far away for a long time, doesn’t seem like what God is calling us to do. But is God calling? We believe He is. We feel He is calling us to something

Last week Gerrie commented about our experience in Italy and about what may be on the horizon. In her comment she said, “Our restless hearts are, to me, a sign to be ready for absolutely anything!”

We’re listening.

Familiar territory. 


Update @ 12:55p  Gerrie and I got in from church a few minutes ago. This morning in LifeGroup, we were left with two thoughts to consider. First, how do we make our lives count.? Second, when God asks you what you did with the time He gave you, how will you answer?

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