It has been a long time since we’ve gone camping. Mind you, camping is not something that we ever did that often, but something that we’ve thought about doing more often than we have. We talk about every so often. The conversations are the same and usually end with one or the other of us saying, “We need to get out more and visit the state parks.” Or, “You know, if we camped in the Spring or Fall, it wouldn’t be so bad.” We have these discussions then promptly file them away until the next time.

That is one of the blessings we have living in such a beautiful state. I am reminded of something Peter Jenkins said. After walking across America, a journey he chronicled in his books, A Walk Across America and The Walk West, he returned and settled in Tennessee. I have tried to find the exact quote, but can’t. It may be on a dust jacket lost years ago. Still, what he said was something to this effect. He said that after walking across America he came to settle in Tennessee because it was one of the most beautiful places he visited during his walk.
We have enough state parks to keep us busy for a while. Some are fairly close to our home and others will require a bit more effort. We’ve even thought of starting off down the Natchez Trace for a few days and finding places to camp along the route.
Being outdoors would cause us both to do something that we need to do badly; that being slow down some. Life seems to be constantly busy. Some of what keeps us this way is very good, but other times it seems we run for runnings sake. We have so much that we love to do; things that need to have more attention paid to them. If we were to take a weekend now and then to get away, to get outdoors, then we have put ourselves in a place where we can read more, write more and draw more. It is an opportunity to be creative.
We know this is important. We simply have to make it the priority is deserves to be. It would give us time to enjoy creation and experience some of those things that God has given us to enjoy.
As I look at the year so far, it seems that 2012 is becoming a year for going to new places and to trying new things. We’ve had our horizons stretched and our minds broadened. This week the adventure will take us outdoors as we travel to Shakori Hills, North Carolina to attend the Wild Goose Festival. The wild goose is a metaphor in Celtic Christianity for the Holy Spirit and the festival “at the intersection of justice, spirituality and art.” It offers music, discussion, art, film and time to reflect on ones personal journey. We expect to be challenged and we know that we’ll come away with a deeper, and perhaps, a more expressive walk with God. We expect to be able to look back on those few days and cherish the time to be outdoors and to focus our hearts, minds and spirits on what it means to be a believer.
Being outdoors. It is something, when we think about it, that needs to happen more often. There is always something to be sought after, to be enjoyed and appreciated, if one will simply take the time to walk out the front door. It is all a part of the journey.
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