Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love These Kids

I woke up this morning to the smell of bacon. Always a good way to wake up. Gerrie and I had most of our grandchildren over to spend the weekend, which means regular sleeping arrangements are abandoned. On grandchildren weekends, the guys sleep upstairs and the gals sleep downstairs. So, the smell of bacon prompted me to journey downstairs.

Going down the steps I thought a bit about my need to write sometime today. Then I got a little discouraged. Perhaps it isn’t true for all bloggers, but I tend to become disenchanted with the whole blog thing when it seems it isn’t being read. Though I shouldn’t. I don’t write Sharing the Good Times to reach the masses. Certainly it would be wonderful if a lot of people tuned in each Sunday to see what I came up with, but that is not why I write it and the masses tuning in is not the case. 

I knew from the beginning that I was writing this for myself and for my children and grandchildren. If anyone else wanted to come along for the ride, that was fine. I write it to share my experiences and thoughts with my family, but occasionally I may pen something that would be interesting or thoughtful to others. I try to do that when I can. And too, these past few weeks have left little time to write; even for the family. Let's be honest here, transitioning from one place of employment to another can be a little stressful.

Anyway, I head downstairs, say good morning and kiss and hug my wife. I tell her I have to write something today but wonder why I bother. I have had only five visits to the page in the past three weeks. Granted, there hasn't been much to read. But still. Then, Gerrie does what she does so well. She gently reminded why I do this in the first place. “Remember, you write it for yourself and for your kids.”

She is a wise lady, my wife!

Here are some of the reasons I write this. Let me introduce four of my five grandchildren and my nephew.
Christian (my nephew)

And here are the five of them displaying just a bit of their attitude during yesterday's visit to the Nashville Zoo.
Unfortunately our grandson Luke wasn't along for the outing. He went to the zoo on Friday and decided he didn't want to go again the very next day. That was probably a good thing. I understand he has a massive science project due tomorrow.

Here you are, just a few of the reasons why I try to write. One day I'll bound up these weekly installments and give them each a copy. Sort of my way to say I was here and to tell them that I love them!

I do. I love these kids! 


  1. Such a great papa, you are! These kids love you too, and so do I!

  2. Whilst children are a heritage from the Lord, Grandchildren are an extra special gift. We learn so much from them. I hope you always enjoy them.
