Sunday, September 23, 2012


Over these past few weeks here I have mentioned simplicity and my desire to simplify my life. 

It is teaching me a lot about prioritizing. This is not the type of prioritizing that comes from looking at your day and deciding what are the most important things to accomplish. The type of prioritizing I am looking at is what needs to be a part of my life and what doesn’t. What are the things that I must spend my time on from this point forward.

What are those things?

God and family obviously! Without these, there is nothing else that I can do that has any meaning at all. God provides me with breath and being faithful to Him and being a part of my family are the reasons I breathe.

Beyond that, I have written about how art and photography are important. These are the things I wish to spend my time doing and hopefully become better at. This means that  other things like playing music or performing are not so important. That is not to say I’ll never do these things again, but they are not things I pursue. Unless it is part of doing something at my church.

Writing this blog is a priority. Many days I approach this blank page without a clue as to what I’ll write. But I decided early on that I would have something here every Sunday. It is a discipline that I imposed upon myself. This discipline causes me to think, to look at the world more closely, or differently. It causes me to think. Think about the things I’ve done or want to do, the books I’ve read or want to read or the places I’ve been or want to visit. This blog is a tool. It forces me to sit here, in front of this screen, and consider my life. This is something we should all do. Daily.

I had planned to write about how our household enjoys British television. But time has gotten the best of me. I am confronted with the issue of prioritizing yet again. I have a class assignment that I need to complete today. When I might have been writing some of this yesterday, I was out making photographs. Instead of coming home and writing, I worked on a painting that needs to be done so that my wife and I can move on with some other projects around the house. I need to spend time with family and friends later on today. 

It seems like a lot. It is. At times I question whether or not I am simplifying at all. But when I really look at it, I am and I am grateful for that. 

Two nights a week I am at church; one night in rehearsal for the Christmas production and one night in choir rehearsal. Two ways that I serve my Lord! My most important priority! 

Spending time with family and friends. My second most important priority.

One night a week I am class learning how to be a better photographer. A priority.

The painting. I am converting a closet space into a drawing/art space. A priority.

Writing this. A priority.

It seems like a lot and for right now it is. There is the actual drawing that I need to work on and I want more time to read. I need more time to study the Bible and to be still and listen. 

These are a few more things yes, but they are priorities.

It seems like a lot. But, it only seems that way. To me, these are steps along the word of simplifying.

There, that wasn’t so bad. 

~ Greg

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    I also desire the simplicity of life...and finding a way to do it is certainly a challenge. Thanks for sharing your journey.
